
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

15 weeks and counting

Well I've finally made it!  My appetite is coming back, my energy is almost back to normal, and no more nausea!!!!!  This week has been a busy one so far.  I  had two appointments, one for blood work (genetic testing) and my normal OB check up.  We intentionally schedule the appointments either Monday or Tuesday so that Billy can partake in all the glory of this pregnancy.  It's so cute :).  Monday was the blood work.  We decided to go ahead and find out if there will be any chance for abnormalities for the baby just to prepare ourselves for that "what if" scenario.  We won't get the results for about a week or so.  We are pretty confident that the baby will be 100 percent okay. 

After that appointment Billy had a busy schedule for the both of us.  First, he wanted to see if I can get a new phone two weeks early, but looks like we will have to wait.  I still don't know what I want.  My top pick is another blackberry.  I don't think I need all the software the iPhone or another android.  After Verizon, we did a little shopping at Ross where I got a couple tops and Billy got a really nice jacket.  Next, just a few doors down we went to Burlington to check out the baby depot.  This has been our first outing to check out baby stuff.  I love walking through the clothes aisles.  Even Billy makes that "awwwwwwwe" lol.    We mainly wanted to see cribs and dressers.  We found one that looked really nice and reasonable in price.  We will still do more window shopping before we make any purchases.  Plus we still have plenty of time before we need to start preparing.  Speaking of nursery, Billy and I had a minor disagreement on what to put in the nursery.  Now, I picture a neutral color scheme/theme for the room.  I like to think that we will be able to use whatever we get for this baby for any future babies.  I don't want to get stuck with a pink or blue room.  I just like to think that I'm planning for the future.  Anyways, Billy found this abstract Einstein picture at Ross.  He thought it will be good for the baby to look at and be educational.  Now, I totally agree that I want to include educational stimulation to the nursery as he/she grows up but I know that babies only really grasp colors, textures, sounds, etc the first few months before we need to tackle the ABCs.and 123s.  So, the big question is is should we hang this not so fitting picture with what I have planned for the nursery or should I give in??  I'm still pretty gung ho on not putting it up until maybe the baby is a little bit older.  It also won't fit well in a girls room if we do in fact have a girl...

After some baby window shopping, Billy had another surprise (the first being going to Verizon).  He surprised me with a little fun activity of Putt Putt!  We always enjoy our time together when we get into that competitive spirit especially when it comes to a putter and ball lol.  Of course, I beat him by like 12 strokes and we would have played more but it was starting to get really cold..  Luckily this place we went to has a package where if you buy three rounds and you happen to not play one or two of them you can come back another time and play later.  We thought that was pretty cool.  After some butt whooping we decided to go home and enjoy some movie/card playing time.  It was a really fun day :)

Tuesday was my OB appointment.  Just a quick check up where we heard the heart beat again.  Since I can't feel any kicks or flutters yet it was reassuring to hear it, knowing that the baby is still inside me :)  After that, we had a bite to eat at a local burger joint and went to a matinee showing of Ghost Protocol. I thought it was okay, kind of long with not much going on compared to the other sequels.  After the movie it was a pretty low key evening at the house.  

I hope everyone is having a great week so far

The baby is about the size of an apple this week :)


  1. I'm just so glad that Billy is enjoying all of this too!! That makes everything you are going through a thousand times better! And glad your feeling better!!

  2. Oh and as for the picture, hmmm.... I dont think it will truly matter in a babies room to be honest. It wont mean a thing to the kid, it will just mean something to Billy. If you have a boy I say give in, a girl I say stand your ground. But maybe try to offer a compromise on something else to take his mind away from the picture...

  3. i can live with not hanging it if it's a girl. i just thought it was cool art, and a little different. however, if you put your foot down on a crazy theme i don't like, you're gonna find the baby warm in a superman blanket and surrounded with foo fighters posters. i'm an involved daddy :)
