Thursday, December 29, 2011

Baby news/ Christmas 2011

So, it's been a week or two since my last post for good reason. I was waiting to officially announce my pregnancy to "the world" ie Facebook. Lol. I know I had already included a tracker on my blog but only a few of my family and friends knew I started a blog so it was no big deal.

Before Billy and I announced the big news we of course told our families and close friends since the day we found out. A day I'll never forget. The week after my birthday.

To start off, I knew something was up when I was just so tired 4 days before taking the test. I had all this energy of going to places to drop off my resume, running errands then that Friday its like I hit a brick wall. All I wanted to do was sleep in bed. Then my stomach wasn't feeling so good. I just wasn't hungry. No need of throwing up just lost of appetite. It wasn't until Billy mentioned that I could be pregnant. I had an inkling way before he said anything but I guess I was in denial at first.

After eating at Quiznos in what felt like my first meal in the past couple days we decided to stop by the store and grab some stuff to make chili and to get a pregnancy test. Now, as I found out recently, billy was impatiently waiting for me to pee on the stick but again I was in denial and stalled until the middle of the night lol. I did my business and it quickly showed a plus sign. I called Billy into our bathroom and showed him the results. My first reaction when I saw him was to cry in his arms. Not out of sadness but out of fear and joy. Who knew you could feel those total opposites at the same time...? I could tell he was in some shock and awe too lol. He later got me a digital test just to be sure and of course "pregnant" was there no more than 30 seconds after peeing on the stick. We got the official yes from the doctor a few days later when we had our first OB appointment. We figured out from an online calculator that I was 6 weeks pregnant. This meant it happened right after our wedding and Billy is proud to mention that to our friends and families lol.

Soon Billy ordered a few books for the both of us. I've already ready Jenny McCarthy's "belly laughs" book. I thought it was entertaining to read and see her insight. Billy also got me "the mother of all pregnancy books". I'm still reading this one. A lot of it I've skipped since it either doesn't pertain to me or I already know or have gone through it. Still, really informative. He also got a baby name book. I've looked through it but it's so overwhelming! We already have a name if it's a boy but picking out a girl name is so tough, especially when I would like to tie in any family members names like we did with the boy name.

I've already had my second OB appt in which I got to hear the heart beat for the first time:). I've also had my first ultrasound appt. that was pretty amazing for both of us. Everything looked great on the screening of the baby. It was definitely awake for its first debut. Squirmy lil thing lol. We look forward to the next showing at the end of January :)

Now for our first Christmas as a married couple! It was so nice to finally spend Christmas together since we started dating 3 years ago. We would always have to celebrate it early when he was on leave from the navy or last year we were apart since he was deployed at the time. Billy and I opened our presents from each other a little early since we would be with our families Christmas eve and Christmas day. He was so good to me. He got me a nook, sonic are toothbrush, foot massager, back massager ( I guess someone wants to get out of rubbing my back/feet as this pregnancy progresses ;)) and a TomTom. I got him a new blender (he likes to make smoothies), sweater, leather gloves, and some really nice sheets for our bed. Plus I got him some stocking swag (munchies).

After Billy got a successful LASIK procedure done we packed the car and made our way back to Texas to see family. We stayed with his mom Christmas eve which was really nice since she made me some of her spicy ranch chicken pasta salad. Billy's dad came down to visit us at her house since we knew we wouldn't be able to make the drive out to his place. Christmas day we drove to my parents house where we had a Christmas brunch at the Hyatt Regency (an old family tradition). It got pretty exciting when a river cruise boat was engulfed in flames just 100 yards away from the hotel. Turns out that it could be arson after reading some news clippings later on. Luckily no one was hurt.

Brunch is done and we head back to the house to open presents. I was surprised to get an iPad from my sister and dad. We can FaceTime now since my mom also got one from Santa. :). I also got a few maternity clothes and some other items. Billy was happy to get some computer games from Santa. We got my parents some prints from our wedding and Natalie got a framed picture of her and I from the wedding plus some money to contribute to her Germany trip.

We relaxed after presents and soon Billy and I went out to go see a movie. Everyone else was too tired. We wanted to see "the girl with the dragon tattoo" but the one we wanted was sold out. So we decided to go see the new "Sherlock" movie. I really enjoyed it.

The next day was a little bit more relaxing. For lunch we met up with some friends at the Salt Lick. It was really nice to catch up with them. The following day was the day we head back to our NM home. I did not want to leave. Luckily we didn't hit the road until about noon so that meant a little extra time with my family. I definitely felt homesick leading up to going home (Texas) and this trip just showed how much I love Texas and Austin.

Now as I finally close this blog and pulling out my hair while watching the Baylor bowl game I'll post some pictures from our trip. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their loved ones and that good things come your way as we get closer to the New Year!

Our first tree in our new home

wearing his new gloves while opening another present

at the Christmas Brunch

I love them!

the fire, engulfed boat drifted to the Congress Ave. Bridge

present time!

Li Po wanted his stocking treats!


  1. Loved the post! I definitely need to update mine. I'm glad you guys had such a great Christmas. I'm jealous you got an ipad. My mom got one and she loves it. I do have facetime on my phone though so we should do that when we're in Louisiana. I hope you guys have a fun New Years Eve!

  2. Yes Allyson its such a scary thing to think there is something growing in you, and when they come out your fear, love feeling in mulitply by millions. But its going to be the best thing that has ever happened to you! I'm glad yall had a great christmas!!!!!
