Sunday, December 4, 2011

First Winter Storm (For a Texas girl)

The past 96 hours have been pretty interesting around the ABQ area, to say the least. 

First off, we had some crazy wind storm blow by Thursday or Friday, I can't remember.  It was so bad that a lot of trees and loose structures were blown away or severely damaged.  I've come to realize that with any oncoming storm it tends to get windy here but I've never experienced what some say were hurricane force winds.  Just 20-30 minutes away from where we live the Tram station at the base of the mountain clocked in a gust of 88 mph!!  Unfortunately, we are expecting another wind storm tomorrow with another winter storm approaching.  All I have to say is that it's going to get cold here!

We finally got a light dusting of snow late Friday night or early Saturday morning.  It was nice to wake up to and see a thin layer of snow.  Now I like the sight of snow but I would not like living with it for an entire winter.  Just the occasional snow flurries is fine by me :).  It snowed again while I was at the movies last night.  I could tell something was coming because there was a lot of dark clouds not too far.  So in the 2 hour time frame I was in the move theater, there was probably an inch, inch and half of snow.  It was so pretty to walk out to.  I obviously took it seriously when I drove back home, going under the speed limit and keeping an eye on the road in front of me in case there was ice.

When I got home, I did a little bit of house cleaning (our dish is out so might as well keep me occupied).  Once that was done, I decided to call it a night, at 10:30 on a Saturday night!  I was pretty tired anyways.  Now it's Sunday and I finally got a chance to take a few pictures of the scenery before it melts.  Here is what I captured :)  Enjoy!

Part of our back yard.  Last night after the storm, you could not see any brown!  it was so pretty :)

Sadie, wanting to play with the next door neighbors dog lol

looking toward the front driveway

part of the Rio Grande Valley/ABQ metro area

The Sandias covered in fog

before we went out to take pictures, her "couch"

Now we look forward to storm number 3 tomorrow!  Maybe I'll get a few more pictures from that :)

Happy Sunday!

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