Monday, January 30, 2012

18th week

Hey there, not much has changed since my last post.  I had my 2nd ultrasound today and since this is the time to tell what the sex is, it made it even more exciting...EXCEPT we are keeping it a secret until our baby shower.  So I had already made some small cards that could fit into an envelope that said "it's a boy" or "it's a girl".  Luckily, our sonographer was kind enough to let us know to look away before she ventured down there on the baby.  The doctor also came in to double check any images and he said everything looked fine.  Once again, the baby was moving around for picture day, but it was so amazing to see it bigger.  The doctor was kind enough to take a few 3D images of the face even though it's still a little soon in the pregnancy.  This is due to the fact that the baby still looks alien like when there is a 3D rendering.  It was still so cool to see the structures of the face :)

front of the face peeking through

3/4 view

heart beat

arms crossed.  you can see the tiny fingers :)


split image:  left = feet, right = hands

bottom of a foot

Billy thinks we are going to have a girl and in my dreams I keep referring "him" when it comes to the baby...we will see.  Only 2 months of not knowing and I think it will be all worth it, especially since we'll be with our family and friends when we ALL find out!

I can't remember if I mentioned in the last post or not if I started feeling some kicks.  Well I definitely am and Billy got a chance to feel one too.  It's so strange and yet so incredible to know that something is literally knocking on your door i.e. belly lol.  I'm also starting to show more.  I think I'm pretty small for how far along I am compared to pictures I've seen.  I know that not all pregnancies are the same and I can kind of relate to some of the moms that didn't even know they were pregnant when it comes to the obvious growing belly. 

Anyways, after the ultrasound, Billy and I were STARVING.  He had heard from a coworker of a good greek place.  There aren't that many here which is sad but this was a really nice place, Yannis, in Nob Hill near the UNM campus.  Very cute interior, and awesome baked crab and artichoke heart dip.  We both thought that was the high light of the meal.  We both ordered a gyro which was okay.  Spyros back in San Diego probably still tops the list of best gyro. 

all done!
After our late lunch we headed back home to relax some and for me to finish preparing my crock pot ribs and potato salad.  I had started the ribs the night before with a rub and I placed them in the crock pot before we left the house for the ultrasound.  They turned out awesome!  Thank you pinterest, hehe.  Yep, I'm one of those people that pins and repins and it's so addicting.  I mainly like it because I can collect all the images and ideas I see on the internet onto one place.  Very helpful when it comes to deciding on what I like for the baby nursery, planning parties, and collecting recipes.  I also got the potato salad from seeing it on pinterest.  All I know is that Billy really enjoyed them and we have plenty of left over for the next day or so :)

We stuffed our faces then I skyped my parents for a little bit.  It's so nice to see and talk to them since i obviously do get to see them that often any more.  After our quick chat I started watching Downton Abbey on Netflix.  I need to not play on my iPad when I watch so that way I can better follow it but since I've heard a lot of good things about it I'm going to keep watching them. 

Well I'm getting tired and it's getting late.  I hope everyone enjoys their week leading up to the Super Bowl!  So far we don't have any plans.  We will see...

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