
Monday, September 3, 2012

2 Month Update

Well,  Sophie is now 2 months old!!  She's technically no longer a new born :(.  However, there are perks to being "just a baby" in that she's developing her own personality, she no longer looks like all the other newborns, more alert and playful and one of my favorite parts is sleeping through the night more!

Some milestones she's overcome in the last month are:
  • her head is more steady when upright
  • she's found her hands as I often find them near her mouth
  • she's a kicker so she is enjoying kicking toys hanging from her play mat
  • she's a big smiler
  • she is starting to communicate more with her coos
First smile caught by a camera
She still likes to be swaddled and rocked to sleep.  She likes the binky but it has to be a certain kind like the Avent or Nuk.  She's still not certain about tummy time.  It's usually a hit or a miss.  Just depends on her mood I guess.  A few days ago I supervised her tummy time and she slowly fell asleep.  Before that she was having fun kicking and batting her hanging toys.  I guess that tired her out.  

Pooped herself out
A couple weeks ago I made my first worried call to her doctors office.  I just wanted to make sure everything was okay in her #2 department.  She didn't have a stool for almost a week so naturally I was getting concerned.  She was having plenty of wet diapers, feeding normally, playful, but gassier than normal.  I talked to a nurse and she gave me some instructions over the phone and she concluded that she seemed fine from my descriptions.  Eventually she made a poopy diaper the following day.  Boy was it a lot and stinky!! Sorry TMI lol :).  From a few materials I've read she's just going through some bowel changes and finding her own rhythm, I guess.

One big thing that happened in the last month was that Sophie finally got to meet her other grandpa, or Papa as he likes to prefer.  This is Billy's dad, and he came to visit during Billy's long weekend from work.  Sophie and I picked Papa up from the airport.  This was also her first time in the stroller and she was a champ.  While Papa was here Billy and I were able to sneak out of the house a couple times to run errands or have a few hours to ourselves to watch a movie.  It was nice to have a break from the baby as well as some Sophie/Papa quality time.  

First stroller ride at the airport
First picture with Papa

On a quick note of what's to come in future posts.  We closed on our house this past Friday so I plan on doing a series of before and after shots of the house.  Hopefully I can keep up with it.  I know it will be long process of making the home OUR home.  Also, I found this excellent blog challenge of cleaning and organizing the house in 20 days.  I am almost done with day 1 and so far it's not that hard!!  I'll do updates on that too.  If you want to check out the challenge, check it out!

Fussy while waiting on closing papers
Our new house!
I hope yall have a wonderful Labor Day and a great week :).  Talk to you soon.

Supporting the Bears!
Sending some love to Mimi :)
My little princess 

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