Thursday, January 31, 2013

A New Year & a Way Over Due Update

So, it's been quite a while since I've posted a new blog.  It's been in the back of my mind to write something but I just get so overwhelmed by what to say since a lot of things have happened, especially in regards to Sophie.  The other night I just came up with the idea of doing more of picture blogs that describe certain milestones and things that are going on.  I can do this real quick with my phone.

With this post I'll post pictures (I'll try to keep the number low :)) from the past few months.  Enjoy :)

Hey! I'm 3 months old today :)

Lil Miss. Tigger.  Thanks to her Aunt Nana for sending it :)

Election Day 
First cereal
First time seeing Mimi
First tooth!! 

play date
First time eating in the high chair
She's excited for her first plane ride!
Before seeing Santa 
While in line to see Santa 
lunch with Papa
last day with Aunt Nana
leaving Austin

How we spent our New Years Eve 
Someone is excited for the Niners going to the Super Bowl :)
My lil Niner fan.  Last time she'll be able to wear MY old jumpsuit :(

I hope everyone has had a great New Year so far!!

Talk to yall soon :)

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