Thursday, July 19, 2012

New chapter: Motherhood

It's been a little over 2 weeks since I had my new bundle of joy, Sophia Lynn, and it sure has flown by already! I've learned so much already just by being near her. I've already picked up her hunger cry, she loves to be held, and loves to cuddle before taking a nap. I've also been amazed at my motherly instincts of waking up at the slightest cry she makes in the middle of the night. I may be half awake but I go straight to mommy mode.

Final u/s checkup
Sophia had an interesting (as in scary) entrance into this world. First off, 2 weeks before her due date we (Billy, myself, and the doctors) discovered that our little one had developed an arrhythmia. Specifically a Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC) which means the right atrium, in this case, was contracting before it should and causes the other chambers of the heart to catch up. We were told by the perinatologist that it can be a common occurrence and will more likely go away on its own. To be on the safe side I was then scheduled for regular fetal monitoring up to the due date. The arrhythmia was so random in that one day we didn't even hear it but then the next appointment we did. The doctor's only concern was that a PAC can lead to super tachycardia (heart rate above 180). With that concern it was recommended that I be induced on my due date, July 2nd at 8pm.

My final fetal monitoring happened to be on my due date. Interestingly, I noticed some contractions earlier that morning around 6 am. Soon I knew that I started the slow process of labor since the contractions did not stop. My OB checkup went fine then I went to the fetal monitoring appointment right after. My contractions got really close there that we were thinking about going to L&D right after, but a really nice nurse that was taking care of me said that I should wait it out, grab something to eat since I won't be able to once I was admitted. We followed her advise and soon after my contractions weren't as frequent. They were between 8-10 min apart compared to 4-5 at my appointment.

Having a contraction after dinner at Chili's
Billy and I went back home. I relaxed with one of my best friends, Janelle, while he went out to grab a few last minute items from the grocery store. We decided to go out for dinner before heading to the hospital for my scheduled induction. Around 6pm we went to Chili's and I enjoyed a nice salad while enduring more contractions. Luckily if I did have my water break the hospital was literally less than 5 min away.

Alas, my water did not break and we headed for the hospital before 8pm to get admitted and start the induction. I was anxious, excited, nervous, and so many other emotions. I figured since I have been in labor all day that this would go by fast and I could be carrying my baby in my arms by early the next morning. Boy was I wrong.

They started a small dose of pitocin and gradually amped it up. It wasn't so bad but by midnight the contractions were getting pretty intense. I knew I was going to ask for the epidural for the pain but mainly for me to feel comfortable and be able to sleep through the night. I got the epi around midnight. I thought it would be a little painful but my Anesthesiologist was awesome and explained the whole procedure as he was doing it. Once the epi kicked in I felt so much better. I didn't sleep straight through the evening but being able to doze off for a few hours at a time without pain was all that I needed.

Mommy and Daddy :)
Once morning came I progressed to 8 cm and I stayed that way for 12 hours...12 hours!!! I was in and out of sleep all that day. I felt bad for Billy and Janelle as they hung out in my room. I also felt bad that i hadnt progressed enough for Janelle to experience the final stages of labor since she had to fly out of ABQ that afternoon. There were times where I felt nauseous and had to throw up. Poor Janelle since she too was pregnant. Billy was so helpful in those times even though me being sick made his stomach queasy as well. Around 5pm or so they checked me and still not enough progress plus the baby wasn't at the ideal position. She was head down but her head was facing the side and her body was in a transverse position. They gave us the option of continuing on and see if I can get to 10 cm or go to the c-section route. We decided to hold off for another hour or so. Around 7 or so they had me try and do some pushing since she was dropped at a good point. Man, I'm kind of glad I didn't go the vaginal route. The only 2 pushes I felt so out of sync with pushing and breathing and being uncomfortable with heartburn since I was on my back for it. With those two pushes the baby did not like it. Her heart rate dropped. With that said the doctor on call said that the best option was to go into surgery. An hour later I was all prepped for the c-section. By this time with all the meds and fluids they pushed into me to prepare for the procedure I was SO tired and getting sick again. Laying flat on my back was agonizing with the heartburn and nausea. I was getting sick on the operating table throughout the whole thing. With that going on all I wanted to do was go to sleep. The bright lights didn't help either. During the whole procedure Billy and a different anesthesiologist were by my side. At one point I heard a small cry and I just started crying on the table. Sophia was officially born on July 3rd at 8:46pm. Billy was comforting me and soon he too was tearing up after he peaked over the blue curtain. He hasn't told me much about the surgery but my guess on one of the reasons why he was crying was because he saw our little girl blue and limp as they were taking her out of me. As the doctor was closing me up I was told that Sophia was having breathing issues and she needed to be intubated. Later I found out her APGAR scores at 1 min was a 1, 5 min a 2, and at 10 min she was finally at a 6. I never saw her in the OR, they wheeled her out but all I could see were blankets. Billy went with her as I went to my recovery room.
Taken after she stabilized after delivery

After some sleep even if it was 2 hours, I finally had some energy to stay awake and I was finally able to have visitors come see me. By this time my dad and sister had arrived. In recovery Sophia's doctors informed us that with her breathing issues she needed to be transferred to the downtown hospital since they can't handle her issues in the long term. I guess their policy in incubating newborns is at a 6 hour limit. Billy and I obviously gave the consent to send her and they even offered to transfer me to the same hospital to stay with her. That was a no brainer. She left before me and after some delay in getting me an ambulance I finally left my hospital around 2am and was in my new bed by 3am. Billy went ahead of me with our stuff to the downtown hospital. I learned before my transport that Sophia had yanked out her breathing tube during transport so I saw that as a good sign that she's a fighter. :)

Now that I was at the downtown ABQ hospital, I had my own room, however, Sophia had to stay in the NICU. It was tough at the beginning with all the swelling I had I had to trek down one floor to go see and feed her. I was finally able to hold her for the first time on July 4th and loved every second of it. It was difficult to see her with all the tubes, wires, and IV in her teeny tiny hand but I knew she was getting the best care. At first she was being fed by IV but eventually I started to breastfeed. That was hard at first since to me it seemed I wasn't providing enough for her so we started supplementing her with some formula. By day 3 or 4 I finally got my milk in and her intake was getting better. Each day she was progressing so well that they started taking tubes and IVs off of her. By day 3 she had been weaned off he IV and her O2 intake and was free of everything.

Billy holding Sophia for the first time
First time I get to hold her let alone see her for the first time
First family picture together
baby feet <3
My swollen feet :(
Our official first night together as a family, in the NICU over night room

By Saturday, July 7th, I was finally discharged from the hospital but not Sophia. Luckily the NICU has a couple rooms for families to stay and be with their baby. Her doctor gave the okay for her discharge the following day. I went home to shower and relax for a bit before heading back for our first sleepover with our baby. We arrived around 8:30pm and by 9 or so we were all set up in our private room with Sophia. Her night nurse still came in to check up on her. It was a great experience to wake up to her small cries of hunger and being able to react right then and there.

The following morning I ordered some room service and started Sophia's discharge. We, as a family of 3, finally left the hospital around noon!
Going HOME!

Love this picture!  All set for the ride home :)
Sophia has been such a great baby and her two checkups so far have been great. She lost her umbilical cord a week into being home, she's gained back her birth weight in a week, and there have been no signs of heart or lung issues :). Even her neurological tests came out normal since she was deprived of oxygen for a short duration when she was born. She's been the typical newborn and I love it! My husband will agree too :). We can't wait for what's in store for the the next 18+ years!!

Homecoming cookie cake thanks to my family
Heading to our first Dr's appointment
Afternoon nap with Sadie
Someone is a week old!

Love the face <3  After her bath

Meeting Grandma for the first time!
Hanging out with her Aunt Natalie
Meeting Grandpa for the first time
Cuddle time with daddy during his work break

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